Our services

Our Social Services


At La Boussole, we offer a complete range of services in French to support you in your day-to-day life, according to your needs and desires.


La Boussole is the only social service organization in Greater Vancouver to offer a full range of services in French to the most vulnerable populations. The mainstay of the organization's activities, this assistance takes a variety of forms, from meeting basic needs (food, clothing, housing, health), to helping people find employment, or assisting them with administrative formalities. 

Our social services at a glance

Social Interventions
Hours of psychological support
+ 0
Dedicated bilingual staff


We can help you with administrative formalities, and assist you in receiving social services in English, if required. Our social workers are available to help any French-speaking person who is in a precarious situation or who feels they need help.

Orientation for newcomers to British Columbia

Help finding accommodation

Help in accessing legal services

Referral and/or assistance in accessing provincial and federal social services


Because it's often difficult to take care of yourself when you live in a precarious situation, due to a lack of time and means, La Boussole offers you different options to help you stay healthy:

  • Psychological support
  • Help with access to healthcare services
  • Referral to health services
  • Accompaniment to medical appointments and/or French/English interpretation
  • Prevention and support for drug-related problems
  • Creation of social links between community members
  • Overdose response training: how to recognize them and administer naloxone

Naloxone is a medication that rapidly reverses the effects of an overdose of opioids such as heroin, methadone, fentanyl and morphine.

In2020, 1,716 people lost their lives as a result of drug overdose. All these lives could have been spared thanks to naloxone.

It is available in British Columbia without a prescription. So anyone can learn how to use it, and carry it with them to save lives in the community.

Overdose response and Naloxone training

Get a naloxone kit


One of our key missions is to help you with your job search. To do this, we have several strings to our bow.

Introductory computer workshops

Offered at La Boussole on a regular basis, these workshops aim to enable everyone to become autonomous in the use of a computer: a key criterion for improving employability.

Find out more about the program on La Boussole's EventBrite

Individual employment consulting

Are you a permanent resident or Canadian citizen?

Our employment advisors at WorkBC offer comprehensive support for your career project. Whether your project requires new training or additional equipment, La Boussole's advisors can help you overcome these obstacles.


Is your status different?

At La Boussole, our employment advisors will be on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Job search assistance workshop

Are you a permanent resident or Canadian citizen?

La Boussole is offering a job search workshop to help you access WorkBC's services.
This is the time to ask all your questions about your CV, the keys to a good application and how to find relevant ads.

English courses

La Boussole offers its members weekly English classes. It's a friendly way to build social links and improve oral and written expression.

Find out more about the program on La Boussole's EventBrite

Your emergency resources

La Boussole offers resources for people in emergency situations

Towards a home" program

Support in finding accommodation

Our social workers can help you find the right accommodation for your needs, whether for an emergency or for the longer term.

List and guides available to help you

Monthly support and homelessness prevention

To provide security for our low-income members with accommodation, we organize monthly food support.

Food distribution

Every Wednesday at 1.30pm, our volunteers distribute bags containing bread, fruit and pastries, as well as hygiene products, masks and hydro-alcoholic gel. Hot drinks and snacks are also available.

Friperie solidaire

Do you need clothes?
We can help. Tell us what you need and your size, and we'll do our best to find the right clothes for you.

Would you like to make
a clothing donation? Please find below what we are currently accepting:


Once again this year, La Boussole is committed to the fight against gender-based violence.

After participating in the creation of a webinar that you'll find here with Réseau-Femmes Colombie-Britanique and Inform'elles, our commitment continues to fight violence against women and all those who identify as such. 
As part of RFCB's Agir ensemble pour une communauté sans violence project, La Boussole offers intervention and support services to francophone women in situations of sexual assault, trauma, precariousness, intimate partner violence, or difficult separation or divorce. 
This service is provided by our three community guides, who are trained in this type of accompaniment. 
Available during La Boussole opening hours only, we would like to make it clear that we are not an emergency service.

If you find yourself in an emergency, call 911 for services in French, BWSS at 1-885-687-1868 or Salal at 1-877-392-7583.

Read the Declaration of the Elimination of Violence Against Francophone Women


Discover the map of French-language services available in British Columbia

Designed with newcomers in mind, it makes it easier to find services in the regions and in major cities such as Vancouver and Victoria. A joint initiative of the Réseau en immigration francophone de la C.-B. and the Fédération des francophones de la C.-B. 


Any questions?

Contact us at [email protected]