After a month of February that focused on the history of black people, March also bears a theme dear to La Boussole with International Women's Rights Day, which takes place on the 8th. For the occasion, we'll be running a special two-day program.
Speaking of links between February and March, we would like to thank Visions Ouest Productions, who made tickets available to our members and beneficiaries for the Festival de films francophones à Vancouverwhich straddles the two months, from February 24 to March 8.
This third month of the year also sees the end of our workshops under the OLES (Organismes Locaux d'entraide et de solidarité) funding scheme, with a very interesting program, an anti-waste workshop on the 12th and a financial management/budgeting workshop on the 20th. Our dietary workshops are also coming to an end, as part of the program to support the associative fabric of French people living abroad, funded by the French Consulate in Vancouver. on the 6th and March 19.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to offer our usual computer workshops this month, and are looking for a volunteer to help us run them again! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to offer your know-how and skills to our community.
Finally, on March 26, we'll be working with the Éducacentre college to present the Compétences Pour la Vie project, in which we're a stakeholder. You can already register for the event at this link.
Apart from that, this month is a key moment in the lives of many organizations, including La Boussole, since it's the period between two fiscal years. With budgets set for 2023-2024 and grant applications for 2024-2025, March is a busy month not only in terms of activities and social interventions, but also on the administrative front!