Pride Season

Pride Season

In Canada, summer is synonymous with Pride season. It's a time to recognize, celebrate and discover the many contributions of Canada's two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and other sexual and gender identities (2ELGBTQI+) community.

Despite discrimination and violence against 2ELGBTQI+ people, things are changing, and the story doesn't stop there to achieve legal and social equality for 2ELGBTQI+ Canadians.

La Boussole is an inclusive and caring space. We are committed to raising awareness of the many forms of violence faced by the 2ELGBTQI+ community. In fact, one of the skits in SpectActivisme, our theatre-forum show taking place on September 21, 22 and 23, denounces violence against 2ELGBTQI+ people.

Source: Government of Canada

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