Faced with a sharp rise in demand from its beneficiaries, La Boussole has decided to expand its food program. The weekly food bank is no longer the only component of La Boussole's program, as monthly food support has been launched, specifically targeting francophones whose precarious situation puts them at risk of homelessness.
This monthly support allows the most modest French-speaking households in Greater Vancouver to receive a monthly parcel of dry food (pasta, rice, tins, chocolate, cakes...) delivered by La Boussole Mobile and prepaid cards at a supermarket. For the moment, only a few people from La Boussole benefit from this service, but the ambition of this project is to reach new households and meet new people who, for lack of sufficient income, have to tighten their belts a little more every day.
This new facet of the food program is an important element in the homelessness prevention policy. The savings made on food allow for a little more comfort when it comes to paying rent or health care.
It's a relief for us," explains one of the program's beneficiaries. Thanks to the program, I'm less stressed all the time, especially when rent time comes around. Knowing that no matter what happens, we'll have enough to eat is a bit of serenity regained. What's more, thanks to prepaid cards, we can do our shopping like everyone else, have a choice and sometimes treat ourselves a little. It's important to remain dignified.
Funded by the organization Deuxième Récolte, this food support program will be able to continue effectively thanks to the support and solidarity of the entire French-speaking community. La Boussole relies on financial support and in-kind donations (dry goods) to reach francophones in need.
The Food Bank

Launched in 2018, La Boussole's food distribution now reaches around 150 people every week.
Organized with the help of volunteers, this event takes place every Wednesday at 312 Main Street and enables beneficiaries to pick up foodstuffs adapted to their needs. While snacks (sandwiches, pastries, fruit, dairy products, etc.) are available for itinerant people in particular, another stand enables people with the equipment to cook, and/or store, to pick up goods such as organic fruit and vegetables, loaves of bread, cream or cheese... Finally, a coffee station enables everyone to warm up or cool down, depending on the weather, and share a time to chat with the La Boussole team.